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A Basic Guide To The Types Of Learner Engagement

A Basic Guide To The Types Of Learner Engagement 1216 806 VP Legacies

Did you know you can lose 31% to 51% of your employees as a result of low engagement in the workplace? For high retention rates, your staff not only needs…

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12 Corporate Communication Challenges

12 Corporate Communication Challenges 1194 786 VP Legacies

Properly developing and scaling an organization requires constant (and real-time) attention to both external and internal stakeholders. Employees form the majority of internal stakeholders and are a vital part of…

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Personal Connection in the Age of Social Media

Personal Connection in the Age of Social Media 1232 770 VP Legacies

The rise of social media has fundamentally changed the way we personally connect with each other. What used to be done over a landline or in-person now happens behind a…

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A Retrospective of “Back to the Future” and Value-Based Technology

A Retrospective of “Back to the Future” and Value-Based Technology 1218 744 VP Legacies

People dictate value-based technology. Throughout generations, what we value as a community changes, and it is directly reflected in the tools and devices we create. In television and movies, we…

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What is Emotionally Intelligent Leadership?

What is Emotionally Intelligent Leadership? 1224 806 VP Legacies

The ability to lead an organization effectively involves a myriad of finely-tuned skills. One key aspect of effective leadership is having a high degree of emotional intelligence. This is what…

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Employee's talking at a desk with laptop

Why Empathy in the Workplace Matters

Why Empathy in the Workplace Matters 1228 808 VP Legacies

Empathy is your ability to understand someone else’s perspective by putting yourself in their shoes. In other words, it means you try to understand how someone thinks and feels without…

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How to Prepare Employees for a Recession

How to Prepare Employees for a Recession 1232 766 VP Legacies

A smart business prepares itself for anything, especially for a recession. A recession forces human resource personnel to make strategic decisions about spending that might affect employees in a negative…

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How to Create a Recession-Proof Employee Retention Plan

How to Create a Recession-Proof Employee Retention Plan 1218 780 VP Legacies

Talent management is a crucial aspect in cultivating a healthy workplace. Employees and employers work in a mutually beneficial manner, where employees provide their skills and knowledge to help make…

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How Microlearning Increases Personal Connection

How Microlearning Increases Personal Connection 1226 796 VP Legacies

According to a study in Time, the average human attention span is currently around 8 seconds. This value is slated to fall even further, thanks to screens that never turn…

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Denver Startup Week: What To Do with Employee Engagement Data

Denver Startup Week: What To Do with Employee Engagement Data 1086 670 VP Legacies

Employee engagement is more than a survey.  Although surveys are the start of collecting the data you need to propel your company forward, it takes a conscious effort on part…

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