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July 2020

Graduation hats in the air

Ready Or Not, Here I Come. Post-College Plans

Ready Or Not, Here I Come. Post-College Plans 1600 1067 VP Legacies

If you are finding this article because you just graduated, let me be the first to congratulate you. The all-nighters, excessive stress, and frustration has finally paid off. You just…

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Depressed guy

Things Millenials can do to Beat early life crisis.

Things Millenials can do to Beat early life crisis. 930 1300 VP Legacies

A quarter-life crisis is like a midlife crisis, but it happens in your twenties. Generally speaking, it involves feelings of anxiety or extreme worries about where your life is heading.…

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balloons and streamers

What to do with your life at 30

What to do with your life at 30 698 500 VP Legacies

Reaching 30 is a milestone in more ways than one. For many people, your twenties are seen as a time for fun and exploration. With the energy to burn the…

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Personal Connection in the Job Search

Personal Connection in the Job Search 2560 1928 VP Legacies

Personal Connection, Relationship Building, and Networking: Different or the Same?    As a job seeker, you are most likely familiar with the term “networking,” regardless if you are looking for…

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Man in blue plaid shirt holding head

Everything There Is To Know About Quarter-Life Crisis

Everything There Is To Know About Quarter-Life Crisis 1600 1067 VP Legacies

Are you in your mid-twenties to early-thirties? Have you become restless? Do you find yourself consumed with doubt? Doubt about your career path, the state of your relationships, or even…

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