
Depressed guy

Things Millenials can do to Beat early life crisis.

Things Millenials can do to Beat early life crisis. 930 1300 VP Legacies

A quarter-life crisis is like a midlife crisis, but it happens in your twenties. Generally speaking, it involves feelings of anxiety or extreme worries about where your life is heading.…

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Top Tips for Having a Tough Conversation with Your Boss

Top Tips for Having a Tough Conversation with Your Boss 1080 675 VP Legacies

Just like managers need to have tough conversations with their employees, employees need to have tough conversations with their bosses. Whether it’s a raise, a promotion, or an office conflict,…

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What is the Best Strategy for CEO Communication?

What is the Best Strategy for CEO Communication? 1920 1144 VP Legacies

Dedicated CEOs want to be able to learn new things about their role and how they can become better at their jobs. They also want to know how to best…

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The Ultimate Guide to Building a Corporate Communication Strategy

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Corporate Communication Strategy 1920 1144 VP Legacies

Corporate communication issues are not a rare problem. In fact, the cost of poor communication in businesses has globally reached over $37 billion per year. That’s a substantial problem to…

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Personal Connection in the Job Search

Personal Connection in the Job Search 2560 1928 VP Legacies

Personal Connection, Relationship Building, and Networking: Different or the Same?    As a job seeker, you are most likely familiar with the term “networking,” regardless if you are looking for…

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